Monday, January 14, 2008

Rome is Burning

For those of you who have not heard the news, Asheville is the happiest place to live in the United States. At least it is according to ABC news program 20/20. I did a little research on what the actual reasons were and to my surprise there was no mention of drugs. Interesting to say the least. I wonder if they mentioned the county sheriff that is currently in jail on federal bribery and extortion charges as well as a local charge of destroying evidence in a rape case against his brother in law. I wonder if they mentioned that the same sheriff's department broke down a door to a home to charge a couple with violating a flag desecration charge that doesn't exist. I wonder if they mentioned the average household income of the city and the lack of affordable housing. It must be the pretty mountains and all the drugs.

Move to Asheville, do some drugs, and watch as the rest of the empire shits the bed. At least you'll be happy.


Jeremy said...

Thanks for the comment over at my blog. Honestly, your comment was the first I'd heard of the mention at Mountain Xpress, so I don't know how it happened. If anything, they may have found a link to my blog from BlogAsheville (, so if you're not listed there, drop them a line and ask to be added to the blogroll the next time it's updated.

shamison said...

yes, me sir thinks its the drugs and the drug-addicts, who are almost inevitably more tolerant of you, and more likely to be holding than non-drug types. it's a little awkward at first, but by the end of the first night you realize that every single resident in asheville does drugs, and you feel stupid for asking. yeah, and the mtns too, yeah they ah-ight. wordz.

shamis in shiloh, for real