Monday, January 14, 2008

Welcome to the Thunderdome

I must say thanks to those of you have visited this blog, you are truly the cornerstone of the coming revolution. I must express my regret however that not all of you have taken the poll at the bottom of the page. How am I to do accurate research on this situation if no one participates? I just want to judge how sick you people are, is that so wrong? For those of you who answered one dollar I will have you know that I have skipped out on work today and am unshowered waiting at home with huge bag of marshmallows and a stack of singles you can come by anytime. For the one person that answered a hundred dollars..well...let's get real it's a simple formula of supply and demand. I mean if there are people willing to do it for a dollar you need to think about your price structure. Of course I do understand that there is a premium for a better service so I am still up for talking. For those of you who "don't eat marshmallows ", I am calling BULLSHIT! Who doesn't eat marshmallows, did you have a bad experience at camp? Get real everyone loves marshmallows and most people say I have a nice ass, so stop fooling yourselves and take the poll over again. This time be honest with yourself.

If you visited this site and have not taken the poll then don't ever come back, I don't have time to play games.

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